
From team: “For the past 5 years, Chloe “Hobbes” de Campos has been the heart of Shiver. She is an invaluable teammate and a fierce friend. She arrived as a first year with unmatched grit and skill and has soared to new heights. Why? How? Because Chloe is above all else a hard worker. She is fantastic at this sport because she works for it every day, and it is an honor to share the field with her. She is a force in the handler space, slicing and dicing zones and unleashing gorgeous hucks to expectant deep cutters. She is a spectacular defender, with the sharpest of reflexes and the quickest of feet. She stepped up to captain the team for our 2022-2023 season and led with grace, humility, and joy. She loves a scheme. She is a spectacular artist. She has beautiful eyes. Once, she was bit on the face during a game. It’s on film. We could go on forever. We aren’t quite sure what Shiver will look like without Chloe, but we know we wouldn’t be anywhere without her. It is our deepest honor to present her as our Callahan nominee.”