College Championships

The University of Michigan

Theodore Shapinsky


From team: “Introducing Theodore “The Ultimate Phenom” Shapinsky, a whirlwind of energy and ultimate finesse in the college ultimate scene. Picture this: a tornado of disc-dodging dexterity with a side of cheeky charm. Theodore didn’t just stumble onto the ultimate field; he strutted in with the swagger of someone born to throw plastic at lightning speed.

Hailing from a town where discs are practically family members, Theodore’s childhood was a montage of backyard tosses and gravity-defying catches. But it wasn’t until college that he truly unleashed his ultimate fury upon the world.

With reflexes faster than a caffeinated cheetah and a grin wider than the ultimate field itself, Theodore isn’t just a player—he’s a spectacle. Opponents tremble at the mere mention of his name, knowing that facing him means risking humiliation and an endless loop of highlight reel moments.

Off the field, Theodore is the life of the party, spinning tales of ultimate glory and spreading laughter like confetti. But don’t be fooled by his jovial demeanor; when it’s game time, he transforms into a disc-slinging superhero, ready to save the day one epic catch at a time.

In a world where ultimate dreams are made and shattered with the flick of a wrist, Theodore Shapinsky stands tall, a beacon of hope for ultimate fanatics everywhere. So, let the disc fly and the good times roll, because with Theodore in the game, anything is possible—even a Heisman for ultimate.”