From team: “Matt LaBar, in his 5 years playing at JMU, has brought the team back from a depleted roster post COVID to sectional champions for the first time in 8 years while also playing for the prestigious UFA record setting Empire and competing with Philadelphia Phantom and then GSU in the club divisions. His high flying and ridiculous extension athletic plays as well as his consistently impressive throwing prowess have made him the bane of the Virginia section and ACO region. His 0-60 is deadly with his ability to stop on a dime. What is most impressive is LaBar’s availability; he consistently plays year-round at the highest level with an increasingly heavier load and larger expectations and yet he is never one to fail. He is your best player’s least favorite matchup and the one player your coach can’t game plan for. We dare you to guard him because you are either flying by him while he goes from full sprint to stop within a step or are getting cooked deep while he waits for you to catch up so he can catch you in the air. After that, he’ll still have the legs to cross over clamp your best player get a layout swim block for fun and then go score the break. We are truly grateful for his consistent contributions to the team and program.”