College Championships

Iowa State University

Justin Hua


From team: “Justin Hua found ultimate at Iowa State University in the fall of 2020 and immediately excelled at the sport, becoming the only first-year to make the A team (ISUC) that year. By the summer of 2021, Justin made the top open club team (DeMo) in Iowa and quickly climbed the roster as a bouncy defender who can lay out for anything. By his first college series in the fall of 2021, Justin was on starting D-line. By spring of 2022, Justin was a universe line player and was elected captain for the 2022-23 season. Since then, Justin has been the heart and soul of ISUC, leading both on and off the field. Justin is the first to show up and last to leave every practice and is constantly working to improve his game. He embodies everything the Callahan award represents as a player, teammate, and leader. Iowa State University is proud to nominate Justin Hua for Callahan 2024.”

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