
From team: “Chris Cooney began playing ultimate during his sophomore year at UAlbany in Fall 2021 after meeting a cool group of guys at a campus recruiting event. He quickly rose up the ranks of UAlbany Ultimate. Chris made the A-team after three weeks of playing and was voted in as A-team captain and SCAM treasurer for the Fall 2022 school year. Several months later, Chris was again selected as A-team captain and elected President of UAlbany Ultimate. Under Chris’s leadership, UAlbany has earned consecutive bids to Metro East Regionals Thanks to his dedication to improving ultimate in New York’s capital region, Chris pioneered hosting 2024 Hudson Valley D1 Conferences on UAlbany’s campus. Chris prides himself on always being the grittiest player on the field, consistently guarding the other team’s best player and slicing through the handler and cutter spaces when playing offense. Chris leads by example and demonstrates what it means to be “locked in” and to “want it more” than the opposition. Outside of school, Chris played on Albany’s “Dirty Laundry” last summer and plans to be a force to be reckoned with in NYC’s club scene in 2024.”
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